Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ham and Nye: Pennies for my thoughts?

The debate between Nye and Ham last night was enjoyable to watch. Both men were gentlemanly and represented their respective world views well.

Of course, as most conversations between science and creationism do, this one hit a wall when Bill Nye asked Ham “What evidence do you have for that?” and Ham replied with a bible verse.

Not all Christians are so literal in their interpretation of the bible. Billions of people value the bible and regard it as holy, but, like Captain Barbossa, see its words more as “guidelines than rules.” This, I dig. Reconciling one’s core religious beliefs with what he or she sees with his or her own eyes. There is still an element of belief required, but it fits with observable fact. It’s quite lovely.

This bible business is the very root of the disagreement. Creationists believe the bible is infallible, that it is inspired by God, that it cannot be questioned, and foremost, that it is true. That every word of it is true, as it is written. Black and white, no questions asked. It says there was a flood 4,000 years ago? Then there was a flood 4,000 years ago. Disagree and you go to hell.

For these people, evolution challenges their very essence. Their most precious beliefs, beliefs that they would die for, are in their view threatened by what science is finding. So scientists, remember to have compassion for these people. Don’t be jerks, don’t assume they are stupid. Don’t say they have no place in science. There are lots of brilliant minds out there who feel overwhelming pressure to not deviate from the words of the bible, and while they should stay away from evolutionary studies, they are still valuable to progress. Open-mindedness, folks. It’s what’s missing from the creation movement, and will also be the remedy.

Let’s stand firm by our science and keep spreading its marvels, but be patient with those who resist it.

Their views will no doubt evolve; it’s only natural.


  1. That last line... burn ;-) reasonable thoughts and sentiments though. Also you can totally have a penny.
